MINIMUM ORDER (New Canadian wholesale customers only) $300.00 product subtotal
There is NO dollar minimum to re-order if you are an existing customer, you just need to order the minimum case pack qty indicated by product.
Notice on order minimum: Please ensure you have ordered the case pack minimum qty in units (UOM: eaches) for every product you have selected. Any product ordered with less than the required pieces will be increased to meet the wholesale minimum order.
Invoice total for your order including shipping cost, tax and any applicable discounts will be calculated once the order is complete and ready for delivery.
A final copy of your invoice will accompany your shipment.
We will contact you to confirm your shipping address and preferred ship date.
Please provide your PO# (if applicable) and any order instructions in the Additional Information box above.
Terms of Payment
**New Customer Only: First order is always PREPAID by company cheque, e-transfer or direct deposit**
We no longer accept credit card as a payment method.
Credit (Terms) Application Form
To apply for credit terms, please request a Credit Application form to fill out.
Please complete all fields of the application, including your full and complete Bill To and Ship To addresses, phone numbers and applicable account numbers. All trade references whether they are Net or COD accounts are helpful.
Credit Terms are either Net 15 or Net 30 Days. Please allow 5 business days to process.
Please complete form and scan/email to [email protected] or [email protected]
Bank Wire / EFT / Interac E-transfer
For ease of payment, you may use Interac e-Transfer if you wish. This also works for new accounts without terms and payment required upon receipt of order.
EFT / Direct Deposit
For payment required upon receipt basis (new accounts without terms only) available with management approval only
Ordering Method:
For your convenience and preference, please use one of our ordering tools below. We will send you a confirmation upon receipt of your order or inquiry request.
Call the Order Desk: 604-347-7106 (office hours 8am-4pm)
Email order to:
Use Online Ordering System – browse and shop! your order is placed electronically. We will contact you upon receipt of your online order.
Back Order or Out of Stock Items:
We will inform you of any out of stock items on your order. Generally, we will include your back ordered items in your next order or ship the item separately if necessary.
Please inform us if you do NOT accept Back Orders.
Shipping Policy and Method:
Shipping cost is added to your invoice total. Shipping rate is based on our Courier Partners like CANPAR & PUROLATOR Discount Rate Guide provided to us.
We generally process and ship within 72 hours of receipt of an order. The only exception is during our busy trade show seasons (Spring & Fall) when we receive a higher volume of orders to process. Order timeline may increase to 10 – 14 days.
We primarily work with CANPAR & Purolator which have the most economical shipping rates. We also work with Diamond Delivery and a few other local trucking co.
If you wish to use your own shipping partner, let us know and we will arrange deliveries with them on your behalf.
For Pallet shipments, we will get freight quotes on your behalf.
Prepaid Freight Promo: (during trade show events only) SUSPENDED – NOT CURRENTLY OFFERED
Credit /Return Policy:
For Damaged Goods:
We inspect and itemize every item prior to packing an order. However we may occasionally miss an item or two. Please report any damaged boxes and/or items within 48 hours of receiving your shipment. We have to issue a return authorization number prior to accepting returns.
For Shortages/Overages:
Every order is checked twice and itemized prior to sealing the box(es). Please report any shortage or overage so we may adjust your account.